Vahvista tietoturvaa ja lievitä kybertuskaa.
Vahvista tietoturvaa ja lievitä kybertuskaa.

Online course: Cross-site Scripting

Do you want to dive into the world of cross-site scripting (XSS)?

With this course you can dive in to one of the most common web application vulnerabilities in application security. You will learn what is xss, common injection type attacks, finding xss vulnerabilities, prevention and much more!

Complete a free mini-course!

Whether you’re a cybersecurity beginner or have some prior knowledge, this course is designed to be approachable and valuable for all skill levels.

Course is suitable for:

  •  Cybersecurity beginner
  • Person has some prior knowledge
  • All skill levels

Course includes lessonvideos to help you learn step-by-step and interesting real world examples.


  • What is Cross-site scripting
  • Reflected XSS
  • Stores XSS
  • DOM-based XSS
  • Impact
  • Vullnerabilities
  • Prevention
  • Real world example

Secure your future in cybersecurity – register to Open Learn now and stay ahead of emerging threats!

How to Complete a Course in Xamk's Open Learn:

  1. Register here for Open Learn (create a username and password and provide your email) – and boom – you’re in.
  2. Type Cross-site Scripting into the search bar on the Open Learn course platform.
  3. Complete the course and you’ll receive a certificate

Instructor and Funder:

 This free course has been produced by the Cyber-resiliance Kymenlaakso project, funded by the Council of Kymenlaakso through the European Union’s Just Transition Fund (JTF)

The course instructor is William Paavolainen, who works as a cyber security solution architect in the Cyber-resilient Kymenlaakso and Robocoast projects. The course material has been produced in collaboration with Robocoast.


All materials, training sessions, and courses from the project are available on the website, where you can also subscribe to the cybersecurity newsletter.

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